Design Devlog #3

-What were your team's goals for the past couple weeks? (regarding your area of expertise)

Creating Dracula and Villagers. Also Working on the level layout to give it a more gloomy, spooky feel.

-How did you work towards accomplishing those goals?

I used my knowledge in Unity 3d to create the look of the Level layout and added more structures to the level.

-Did you?


-What has your process been?

Being able to use pro-builder and creating material for every structure of the level design to fit the overall game better.  

-What are your goals for the next week? (regarding your area of expertise)

To have a Alpha and Beta version of the game and making sure the design fits the game and what the team is trying to portray.

-How will you go about accomplishing those goals?

I will continue to use unity/pro-builder and lighting tools to improve the look of the game.

-Playtesting Report

Having a playable version has made people see what we've been explaining as far as the overall game.

-What were you playtesting?

Alpha version of the game.

-What did you want to learn?

I wanted to learn how to use lighting more to fit the game and I created something visual that reaches that goal.

-Who were your playtesters?

My wife and I 

-What did you observe?

How the buttons were placed well and the excitement to not get caught and kill the villagers.

-What feedback did you receive?

The feedback I received is to have better art work.

-What, if anything, will you do with that feedback?

I plan to use the feedback to make the game better and more interesting for the players to enjoy when they play.


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