Coding Devlog #1

This past week the team was experimenting with some of the core mechanics for the game. Specifically, shape-shifting and the enemy "chasing" behavior.

We are using C# in Unity to control behavior.  We will use transform.localScale to control the size and Normalize and AddForce for the movement behavior. We already have the necessary code to accomplish these tasks. Though the video included in this log was created for a different project, it does display both mechanics. The dynamics for Hunted, however, will be different.

I've included a snippet of the code used to achieved the desired behavior.

Next, the team will work on figuring out the code for the enemy attack and how to turn light into a hazard.

Playtest Report:

We used a paper prototype to explain the core mechanics of the game. We wanted to learn if the core mechanics were interested enough on their own or if we needed to add more features to the game.  We playtested with other game design students as well as with  game designer and professor Juno Murrow.

The main feedback we received was that the gameplay felt  too simplistic and that adding some more features to enhance the existing mechanics might elevate the experience. 

We are going back to the drawing board to look at some of the ideas that we had left out because of scoping concerns. The main goal now is to look for ways to enhance the experience without over scoping.

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