Coding Devlog #3

What were your team's goals for the past couple weeks? (regarding your area of expertise)

The coding team was working on creating the patrolling behavior for the enemy AI as well as creating a navigable area.

-How did you work towards accomplishing those goals?

I have been working with NavMesh on Unity as well as OnTriggerEnter() on C# to create the patrolling behavior for the enemy.

-Did you?

Yes. Using an array of points in Unity to determine the coordinates where the enemies will be moving to and from when patrolling. Also, using colliders to create a "field of view" for the enemy and change the behavior from patrolling to chasing if the player enters said field of view.

-What has your process been?

In-class learning while supplementing with video tutorials in YouTube as well as looking at the Scripting API in the Unity website.

-What are your goals for the next week? (regarding your area of expertise)

The team is finally entering the production phase and the goal is to have the Alpha build ready and playable on this website by April 22nd

-How will you go about accomplishing those goals?

Since the team is now forced to work remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team will be using GitHub to share the project files and take turns to work on the project. The level is almost finished and once that is done, I will be adding the script to create the core mechanics.

-Playtesting Report

The team will update this DevLog to add a playtesting report once the Alpha build is ready and we are able to put the game in players hands.

-What were you playtesting?

-What did you want to learn?

-Who were your playtesters?

-What did you observe?

-What feedback did you receive?

-What, if anything, will you do with that feedback?


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I like the idea of using the wandering characteristic of NavMesh agents and combining it with waypoints. It makes the AI more natural movement and reduce complexity. Also, I suggest to use two rays and using Raycasting for the vision of the villagers instead of using the colliders. Good game!